Humanity-on the verge of decay!

“It’s humanity, my Lord!

Was it, in its nature to decay?”

The angel shifted with unease,

Worried, what God might have to say.

It was Man’s fault, this time as well,

Like a zillion times before.

He let go of humanity, & thence it got lost

In the wilderness, went astray, obscure.

Without the flimsy Human shell,

Where surprisingly it sought abode,

Humanity- God’s greatest, most precious gift,

Withered away, shrivelled to its core.

“Hmm, if Man thinks he can live without it,

Then let it be that way!

And we shall see,” said God,

“For how long in his obnoxiousness, he can stay.

As for humanity, my Angel!

I’ll recreate it once more,

And pour it in the hearts of  Men,

With more humble souls, for sure.”

Perplexed, the Angel looked God’s way,

God smiled and said,”Yes! there are more to come.”

©2012. Habiba Danyal

This post was in response to Trifecta’s Week 29th challenge. This week’s one-word prompt was “Decay”.

DECAY (intransitive verb)

1: to decline from a sound or prosperous condition
2: to decrease usually gradually in size, quantity, activity, or force
3: to fall into ruin
The third definition was to be used, and the word limit was between 33 and 333.

27 thoughts on “Humanity-on the verge of decay!

  1. I read a quote a long time back which was something like “Every new child born in this world proves that Allah has not lost faith in Humanity” What a lovely poem Masha Allah.. hope to read more from you

  2. Thanks for linking up this week to Trifecta. My favorite line was “It was man’s fault this time as well.” Nice job with the prompt. Hope to see you back again soon.

  3. The bestest piece of ur beautiful writing so far.
    See, dint i tell u dt u were capabale of much more. u seem to be proving it now.
    im so proud of you 🙂

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog! Nice use of the prompt in this poem. This is a lovely line: “And pour it in the hearts of Men, With more humble souls, for sure.”

  5. Intriguing, the thought of the humanity decaying while the humans remain. It’s a hopeful thought that there are still more to come, though.

  6. Ah humanity… They say world still exists ‘cos of those whose hearts beat for humanity.. And I like the way you say that more are yet to come 🙂 Amen..

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